Finding Your Happy
Being happy. We wish it for ourselves, our families, our kids, friends, and sometimes strangers we’ve never met. It’s one of the most sought after goals. One we have for life. It’s not like once you’ve accomplished it you can cross it off your to-do list. It’s something you search for over and over again. […]

Effects of Bullying
The effects of bullying can last a lifetime. It’s something a lot of people don’t think about when they go down that path. But the things they do to someone lasts much longer than it takes to say it or to do it. Bullying seems to be so common these days. It always was, but […]

Why I Don’t Drive
Eagerness to drive was always a big thing for most kids in High School. Many conversations centered around it and when everyone was going to get their licence and gain their freedom. I wasn’t interested. It wasn’t something I felt I needed. And to be honest, the thought of getting behind the wheel of a […]

Weight Gain After Having a Baby
For obvious reasons, you hear a lot about weight gain during pregnancy. What you don’t hear much about is weight gain after having a baby. Because the weight should be going down, not back up again. Of both my pregnancies, I didn’t have much trouble losing the baby weight I had put on, it was […]

Living With Anxiety
Through a lot of my life, I always wondered why some things were so difficult for me and seemed so easy for everyone else. I found it hard to talk to people, I couldn’t look at things at the shop or order food. Ringing people on the phone would make my heart pound and filled […]

Letter From My 17 Year Old Self
Okay, so it’s not really a letter as such, more some musings and thoughts that went through my brain at the end of High School that I wrote down. I stumbled across it the other day when I was sorting through some of my old things, and came across my notebook from Year 12 where […]

Diamond Painting
I was surprised at Christmas when my sister gave me this rolled up piece of material, with bags of little, coloured sparkly dots. I had no idea what it was or what I was supposed to do with it. It was then that I was introduced to the world of Diamond Painting. So what is […]

The Art of Saying, “No”
Life is so busy and hectic these days. Many days can be spent rushing around, and I still find that it feels like I’ve accomplished nothing. And just when you think things are crazy enough, something else comes up. An invitation, an event, another party. Or someone needs help with someone, yet again. Sometimes it […]

Why I’m a Terrible Friend
I never really had many close friends growing up. I had friends, I was just never anyone’s first choice to hang out with. And I felt like an outsider. All the time. I never really felt like I belonged. I always emotionally distanced myself from everyone. If you don’t get close enough, you can’t get […]

Competitions and How to Win Them
It was many, many years ago when I believed competitions were those elusive things that were so hard to win it wasn’t worth the time and effort to enter. You had to be so lucky to win. And I wasn’t a lucky person, so why bother? But I came across a competition in a magazine […]