Small Things You Can Do That Your Kids Will Remember Forever
As parents, we want the best for our children. We do things for them, but then often wonder how much of it will they actually remember when they are older. What will they remember from their childhood? While many of the big moments, like a family holiday, will be easier to remember, it is many […]

What Happens When You Doubt Yourself
Doubting ourselves is more common than you might think. It’s easy to become unsure if we are doing the right thing, or trying to predict the consequences our actions may have, or if we should even bother trying in the first place. Self-doubt is normal, but when we start doubting ourselves too often, we can […]

A Letter to the Mum Who Feels Like She’s Failing
Feeling like a bad mum is not unusual. I think most of us have days when everything just seems to go wrong. And you think to yourself that these kinds of things just don’t happen to other mums. But they do. They happen more than you think. It’s just that we get into the mindset […]

What Makes You Unique – Helping Children Accept Their Individuality
It can be hard to be yourself. Especially for kids. What makes you unique can be the very thing you end up despising about yourself. For some of us, we may spend a great deal of our life trying to fit in, trying to be accepted and worrying too much about what others think about […]

Why You Are Stronger Than You Think
Life can be hard. We make mistakes, go through rough patches, and times in our life where we just want to curl up into a ball and give up. Because it just seems easier. I think we all have times when we feel like our lives are falling apart and we wish for the strength […]

Things I Want my Son to Know
I remember looking at my son when he was born and wondering about the kind of person he would be when he grew up. What would he look like? What would he love doing? What kind of person would he be? As he got older, he definitely tested my patience, so much that I thought […]

How to Find Your Motivation When You Really Can’t Be Bothered
I think we all have days from time to time when we really can’t be bothered doing anything. Especially lately. There are things that need doing but it’s so hard to push yourself to do it, or even do anything at all some days. It’s hard when we know what we want, but we just […]

Why Being Bored is Good For Kids
It’s okay for kids to be bored. Being bored is a good thing. The world is a very busy place these days. People are often on the go with little time to stop and smell the roses. We don’t often get time to be bored because we often have an endless to do list that […]

Things You Should Tell Your Child Every Day
Even as an adult, life can be hard at times. But it can be much harder for children to deal with things when they happen. Often things are happening that they have never experienced before. Things can be confusing, and they can be scary. Encouraging words can have a positive effect for your children not […]

Inspiring Quotes About Mothers
Being a mother is amazing. But being a mother is not easy. There are days when nothing seems to go right, and you constantly wonder what you are doing wrong. At times, being a mother can be overwhelming and exhausting, while others make it look so easy. Sometimes it can be hard keeping it all […]