How to Build an Unbreakable Bond With Your Child
Our connection to our children is important. Building positive relationships with your child is important. As our kids grow older, it’s easy to become complacent. They don’t need us for every little thing and we can focus more on other things. Because they don’t seem to need you as much anymore. They can occupy themselves […]

How Your Negative Self Talk Becomes Your Child’s Inner Voice
A few days ago, my three year old daughter looked at herself in the mirror, smiled and said, “I’m beautiful, I’m beautiful.” Of course, I’ve always thought she was beautiful, but my first thought was, I wonder at what age she would no longer look at herself in the mirror and see herself as beautiful. […]

Tips For Camping With Kids
Earlier this this year, we went on our first camping trip as a family of four. We had previously camped as a family of three, and before that as a couple. It was definitely easier camping when it was just the two of us, but camping with kids can be a rewarding experience. The first […]

Anxiety in Children
Anxiety in children is becoming increasingly common. I went through a great deal of issues with anxiety from my own childhood and for many, many years before I even knew what it was. My six year old son has been showing signs of anxiety for awhile now, and the last thing I want is for […]

How to Build Self-Esteem in Children
It’s incredibly important to build self-esteem in children. As we get older, it becomes harder and harder to look at ourselves differently to the ways we always have. It has been ingrained in us and it can be hard to break old habits. Even ones that are causing us harm. That’s why it is so […]

Inspirational Quotes for Struggling Mums
Being a mum is hard. It can be draining and there are times when it feels like we just can’t seem to get anything right. Or the days when we can’t even see the point anymore. We do the best we can, even when it feels like everything is falling apart. We all need some […]

How to Teach Your Child the Value of Money
It can be a worrying thought for many parents that their children might grow up not knowing how to save money, or how to budget, and end up living week to week, pay check to pay check and constantly worrying how they will manage to pay bills or afford anything. It’s definitely scary with so […]

Things I Learned After Having a Second Baby
A lot of thoughts go through your mind when you think about having a second baby. It can seem quite scary at first. If your first child was difficult or was a terrible sleeper, you wonder how you could possibly cope if your second is the same. And if your first seemed so easy and […]

Things I Want My Daughter to Know
When my daughter was born, a multitude of thoughts went through my head. What kind of person would she be? What things would she like to do? Who was she going to be? In her first year, I got little glimpses of her personality. Especially the cheekiness and the stubbornness. As I watched her grow, […]

Self Care for Busy Mums
Being a mum is a hard job. At the end of the day we find ourselves exhausted, worn out and drained beyond belief. We often put ourselves last and have little time for ourselves. It’s so easy to lose yourself in the day to day routine of family life. I know I’m guilty of often […]